IKEA social
CREATIVE LEAD + concept (as a team) + art direction
To showcase IKEA's new and exciting decorations, which we created an ever-changing GIF of decorations. For the interior I wanted to create a warm, cozy evening setting, and even convinced the client to let us indulge in giant snowballs for a truly magical feel.
They loved the shot so much, we grabbed a still for them to use in-store and online throughout the Xmas period.
Canvas catalogue
art direction + ux + design
Taking the IKEA catalogue and putting it on social was quite a beast. Doing it on my first week on the account was delightful + exhausting. The concept was already sold in when I joined, so I took charge of the UX journey, design and art direction.
There were four sections to the canvas, where you could explore; the Living Room, Kitchen, Dining Room and Bedroom. Images clicked through to the site where people could buy the products they’d seen, streamlining the whole process. People went nuts for it, the client loved it, and I got to make a good first impression. Win win… win.
concept (as a team) + art direction
People love a bargain at this time of year, with the most popular things to snap up being new TV's, clothes and console games. But where the heck will all these new things live? We showed people's furniture make-do's with fun photographs that linked to a carousel of IKEA storage solutions underneath.