DYSON x GERMANY’s NEXT top model


creative lead + CONCEPT + COpy + ART DIRECTION

Growing up I LOVED Top Model. The shoots. The outfits. The drama. So it was an absolute dream to write Dyson’s casting challenge for the episode, and creating a multi-channel campaign featuring GNTM model Romina.



As an engineering company focused on said engineering, Dyson is a tough puppy to create work for. Their haircare brief is always ‘Show Dyson as the experts of hair’... which leaves out the customer benefit.


I ended up tweaking the brief to give their customers a reason to buy. My idea was simple; ‘Dyson are the experts of hair… so you can be the expert of yours’.


Through the campaign, we see Romina become the expert of her own hair. Starting with a 90” TVC advertorial that aired right after the GNTM episode (above) where she learns her hair type, hair damage and how to style with less heat from Dyson.


On social we saw Romina now confidently style her hair at home. She styles her hair using Dyson products whilst talking about what she’s learned, and how that’s benefited her.


And the result?

Pushing paid off. Sales doubled in Germany, with the social becoming their highest performing piece, ever.


Thanks to Director & DOP Jacqueline Hochmuth, Twin Film, Hair Stylist Patrick Gorra and Photographer Max Baier (ich liebe euch alle)



Want more top model?

I also lead the creative for Poland’s Next Top Model. Have a nosey here